~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mission: Inalienable Rights, Day Nine Stardate: 2405.08.27 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (Starbase Geneva - Corridor - NPC Lesia Vetaniauk - 11.15) (Starbase Geneva - Conference Room - 2O/OPS Lt (Jg) Dirk Pitt - Day 9, 1448) (Starbase Geneva - Conference Room - CO - Captain Aragorn - 15:26) (Starbase Geneva - Conference Room - 2O/OPS Lt (Jg) Dirk Pitt - 1527) (Starbase Geneva - Conference Room - 2O/OPS Lt (Jg) Dirk Pitt - 1530) (Starbase Geneva - Conference Room - SPC TAC/ASC Tianna Lantsa - 15.35) (Changed operations officer to security ) (Starbase Geneva - Shuttle Bay one - John's Office - Ensign Wilson, 15:40) (Starbase Geneva - Ready Room - CO - Captain Aragorn - 16.10) (Starbase Geneva - CO's Ready Room - CO - Captain Aragorn - 16:39) (Starbase Geneva - CO's Ready Room - SFI Commander Actun - 16:40) (Starbase Geneva - Ready Room - CO - Captain Aragorn - 16.57) (Starbase Geneva - TAC/SC's Office - Walker Isengard - 1710) (Starbase Geneva - Counsellor's Office - SPC Vicki Sevant - 17.28) (Starbase Geneva - Shuttle Bay one - CO - Captain Aragorn - 17:30) (Starbase Geneva - Shuttle Bay one / John’s Office - Ensign Wilson - 17:35) (Starbase Geneva - McNish Quarters - Gregor McNish - 18:45) (Starbase Geneva - Park Deck - CO - Captain Aragorn - 21.40) (Starbase Geneva - Ready Room - CO - Captain Aragorn - 23.00) (Starbase Geneva - Ready Room - CO - Captain Aragorn - 23.45) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mission: Inalienable Rights, Day Ten Stardate: 2405.08.28 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (Starbase Geneva - Sickbay - SPC Louise Palmer - 06.01) (Starbase Geneva - Ready Room - CO - Captain Aragorn - 06.12) (Starbase Geneva - Sickbay - CO - Captain Aragorn and SPC Louise Palmer - 06.13) (Starbase Geneva - Ready Room - CO - Captain Aragorn - 08.00) (Starbase Geneva - Ready Room - CO - Captain Aragorn - 08.30) (USS Nimitz, Bridge, Nimitz CO Commander Susan Rivers, 22:45) (USS Nimitz, Bridge, Nimitz CO Commander Susan Rivers, 23:45) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mission: Inalienable Rights, Day 11 Mission: Coming Home, Day 1 Stardate: 2405.08.29 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (Starbase Geneva - Disembarkation, Nimitz CO Commander Susan Rivers, 0110) (Starbase Geneva - Admiral's module, Nimitz CO Commander Susan Rivers, 0120) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mission: Inalienable Rights, Day Nine Stardate: 2405.08.27 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (Starbase Geneva, Corridor, NPC Lesia Vetaniauk, 11.15) "Oh, what's the matter, little girl? Are you lost?" A voice asked. Lesia took a deep breath, sobbing a couple more times, and wiped her eyes before she looked up and saw... a big furry creature? "Ohhh!" Lesia gasped as she looked up in amazement seeing the creature before her. "I'm lost and so are my mum's things." She finally managed to utter. "And I'm going to be in sooo much trouble." <> "Well, I don't know, I met this nice lady, named Hagar,.. and she took me into a room with lots of glass and colours." <> "And she said lots of funny words. And well, she told me to have my mum touch the things that had stuff spilt on them. But I lost them...." Lesia's lower lip began to tremble as she looked at the odd person across from her. "I don't know what to do, she'll be mad that I'm lost, she'll be mad that I've lost her things..." Lesia cried, and cried. <> (Reply Montro, any) (Posted by Katherine Mazurok) **** (SB Geneva - Conference Room - 2O/OPS Lt (Jg) Dirk Pitt - Day 9, 1448) "And how have you been, MR. Pitt? Keeping busy, I suspect?" "Uhh, yes, Sir." "Good, I thought as much. Very busy?" "Uhhh, yes, Sir. Lots of reports and...." "In fact, Mr. Pitt," Aragorn interrupted, "I would like to put it to you that you have been so busy with your work that you didn't have time to dress properly before arriving here. That IS the most workable solution for you at the moment. The other one being that you don't mind walking around like a tramp, especially when saying hello to your new boss." Argorn's smile was etched on his face but his eyes did not join the merriment. "Because, MISTER PITT," Aragorn followed slowly, "THAT would really upset me. And you should know that I REALLY don't like to get upset, do you, MISTER PITT?" "IN FACT, MISTER PITT!" Aragorn caught himself and after a sigh, he continued, "In fact, Mr. Pitt, I would put it to you that your BEST option would be to go out again, get yourself a decent uniform and then return. And NEVER to return in such a shabby outfit again, BECAUSE IF YOU DO, I WILL HAVE YOU POSTED TO A DILITHIUM MINE SO FAST THAT YOUR FEET WON'T TOUCH THE GROUND!" ~ What the h... what did I do wrong? ~ Pitt thought while his gaze went down to were his former and current Captain has been looking... to his uniform... and then realization dawned in. Dirk grunted, mumbling, "Beg your pardon, Sir. It won't happen again." And he rushed out of the room. He had noticed his head had started to become red and hot. Immediately he initiated a site to site transfer to his and Kia's quarters, while at the same moment wondering why no one had made a comment about it before he had gone go the meeting. He made a mental note of scolding at those people he had seen in the time between he had changed uniform and gone to the meeting. Looking in his closet he also had trouble finding a good uniform. ~ What the h*** happened with my uniforms!?! ~, he though. Then he noticed it were bites.... ~ Ow no.... ~ "Grrr... I'm gonna kill that rabbit!!!" He rushed over to the replicator, leaving all his uniforms, which Izzy had used as a meal, laying on the bed, and replicated a new uniform. He changed into it, rushed out the quarters on to the conference room for the third time that day. And it was also the third uniform he was wearing... **** (Starbase Geneva - Conference Room - CO - Captain Aragorn - 15:26) "It would be my pleasure; my shoulder is fine now. I will organise a bay to be cleared right now if that is all Captain?" Wilson asked ready to get on with Vladek's proposition concerning the transfer of his ship to the station. Aragorn quickly smiled. "Good, I like that attitude," he said, "Unfortunately it is not all, Ensign. I still have to unfold my plans for the countermeasures we are going to take and both you and Mr. Wilson will have tasks too. But after this meeting, you are welcome to sort it out." Aragorn then turned to the counselor. (Reply Vladek, John iyw) **** (SB Geneva - Conference Room - 2O/OPS Lt (Jg) Dirk Pitt - Day 9, 1527) "Ok, next thing on the agenda. If the Nimitz makes it over here, it will have to be repaired. Now as I understand it, we are not that well stocked with Engineers, especially ones that can oversee such a large operation. Mr. Pitt, I am afraid I have to ask you to put on your Engineering uniform again and oversee the repairs of that ship. Please make sure that everything is ready for when she gets in. Since we won't be able to get her into our drydock, thanks to the size of it, it might be best to start training the Engineers so they can use environmental suits and have some experience with working in zero g. I expect that there will be some workbees to assist you, but most likely not enough." "Understood, Sir", Dirk said. "It will be my pleasure working at her again." "Now if the ship is being repaired, the crew won't be able to stay onboard. Therefore we must make room for the Nimitz crew to sleep on the base. Now if my information is correct, the base holds at present 325 persons. Some of them are in transfer, some of them are traders, but they are ALL taking up space. Now the complement of the Nimitz was about 700 people. So we will have to find a way to house 700 people, make sure that we can provide them with food and beverages and anything else that they need. Unfortunately the Starbase can only hold a maximum of 1000 people. So it is safe to say that things will become cramped. Mr. Arianna, I have to pass this job over to you. Tear down any walls that you think you need, turn the holodecks into dormitories. The only place that you aren't allowed to use will be the medical facilities." ~ Seems like he likes to give all former CEO's another job then is in their job description... ~ (SB Geneva - Conference Room - 2O/OPS Lt (Jg) Dirk Pitt - Day 9, 1530) "Sir, if the Nimitz is going to be here as soon as you say, I'm going to need a large supplement of medics and nurses. I'm understaffed as it is in Sickbay!" Francais said. Aragorn looked at the Medical Officer and nodded. "I am well aware of that fact, Ensign. But unfortunately all crew movements I have seen sofar do not include medical staff. They might still turn up but I wouldn't count on it. Mr. Pitt! How many EMH's can we bring online? When we limit the computer use to the strictest minimum for other purposes?" "If we restrict the computers resources to the strictest minimum," Dirk said, stopping a moment to think, then continuing, "including limiting or even completely disallowing holodeck access, then I suppose we should be able to run a dozen EMH's. If the doctor has specific requirements for the EMH's then we might even reduce the amount of processing a single EMH needs while we can also tinker with the program itself, so if we link all EMH programs to one single database, then we might even be able to boost it to two dozen." "I'll also need engineering to replicate a large amount of medical equipment from the industrial replicators." Francais said again. (Reply none, I suppose) (Posted by Guido Dorssers) **** (Starbase Geneva, Conference Room, SPC TAC/ASC Tianna Lantsa, 15.35) Tianna had sat through the meeting, yes, she realised that there were some security issues at hand, but there was another issue that really made her... interested. It was that of their new captain. In her thirteen lifetimes, she'd never felt this way about someone. It was almost as if the feeling was outside, moving in? Tianna had been in love dozens of times and she knew all sorts of different types of love, infatuation, true love, false love, and much more. But this... was something all together a new feeling. Not that she didn't like it.. it was ... just ... different. "That reminds me, Mr. Lantsa," Tianna's focus snapped to the task at hand. "I want you to configure the sensors so that we will have a continuous scan of our surroundings for space dust distribution and ion gas concentrations. Romulan cloaking technology does not make the ships under cloak loose their mass. So wherever a cloaked ship is flying it will push aside the particles that are in space, like gas molecules and space dust the wake of a ship. Have the sensors look out for those space matter concentrations. It will give us a continuous warning whether or not there is a cloaked vessel about. Of course, we know that the ship uses ionised gas for it's propulsion at sub-light speeds, but since we have used that to found cloaked vessels before, they might have come up with a defence against it. Mr. Lee, I want you to assist the Security Officer with reconfiguring the sensors." Ensign Lee got in first, "Yes Sir." She responded automatically. Tianna's eyes glistened as she nodded and found herself able to answer Aragorn. "Aye sir, will do." The Aragorn seemed to move onto other business that was at hand. Tianna sighed, watching how he commanded the situation. And how things were occurring. "Dismissed!" Tianna shook her head, she'd managed to completely be in a daze throughout the entire meeting. Usually this was the point when she'd scold herself as Osim had scolded his son, that she should have been more attentive and responsible, etcetera. She shook her head., "When would you like to adjust the sensors?" Tianna turned, and saw Ensign Lee in front of her. "Um, I don't know when would be good for you? you're not in the middle of using them for some experiment are you? I can be flexible , I think, I mean I think the CO wants it done ASAP, but if you're doing something that's of major importance, we could work around it I'm sure." She spouted out, always keeping an eye on Aragorn. "Ok, I'll see you then...." the Ensign answered. Tianna was much too distracted to notice, that... well, she hadn't indeed set a time or place with the ensign. She was more concentrating on the feeling that she was receiving about Aragorn. The Lantsa symbiont had thirteen different hosts, and within it were memories of all sorts of loves, but this.. was unlike any other, and that thought bothered Tianna, because, there was something more... but she couldn't quite place her finger on it. Instead she looked at Aragorn lustfully as she made her way out the door. (Reply Lee? any) (Posted by Katherine Mazurok) *** (Starbase Geneva, Shuttle Bay one, John's Office, Ensign Wilson, 15:40) “Well sir, it is bugging me this close contact with the Romulan and the station its self. We are lightly armoured and armed, Therefore I have been for the last 2 years developing a shuttle, which would have both defensive and scientific implementations. I know this may not be an ideal time for this sir but I have a bad feeling and want you to be informed of this.” John reached down into his drawer and put a Padd on the Desk. “She is called the Excalibur, Her design specifications are all here and it would lead to us having an advantage over the Romulan if they choose to have a confrontation. The ships hull is a new metal alloy, which I adapted from something I saw on my travels,” John paused and looked down at the floor. (Reply Aragorn) “The ships hull, is part of the reason I asked you down here....” John paused and thought carefully about what he was going to say. (Reply Aragorn) “We landed on a Colony to resupply and reload during the Dominion war, the colony was attacked. We never realised the motive until we found a Scientist under the colony he was developing this new hull, which would practically render the ship a ghost and also absorb energy blasts. The Dominion wanted this technology for the obvious reasons and so did every one else who knew about it. The scientist when the Dominion attacked erased all knowledge of the Tech and implanted it into my mind through a device attached to my brain which he placed there it has a faze discrepancy and therefore undetectable. My colleges left me on the planet for dead and ran with the Scientist and soled him to the Dominion the Dominion tortured and killed him since he could not give up what he did not know. My colleges also sold all the colonists to the Dominion just to sure and make a profit.” John stopped again and looked down at the floor again and then looked back up at Aragorn. “Parak the crew man down there saved me and we borrowed a Dominion ship and went after my old colleges, The Dominion had caught up with them and killed them after they had sold goods that were useless we then went to find the Doctor. When we found them they were all dead except for one little girl who was crying over the body of her parents. I felt responsible if I had not got shot then I would have been able to do something stop them and it is haunting me sir. I keep seeing them.” John rubbed his eyes and straightened himself. “That's why I wanted to speak to you sir the Knowledge I posses would give Geneva a great advantage. I have named the Shuttle the Excalibur after King Arthur's Sword because his shuttle may just justify their loss and sacrifice. I understand we are busy at the moment but the Shuttle project would be a great advantage and I promise I could have it operational with in 5 days if I had the manpower and expertise. The Choice is yours sir I just thought you should know.” (Reply Aragorn) “Yes sir, 4 days and it would be fully operational that would be straight 4 days and I would need a couple of people from various departments and the facilities are available in shuttle bay one if we secured it, i m sure the Romulan would be surprised by her. The Excalibur would be the Most advanced shuttle in Starfleet I promise you that sir.” John stated feeling quite confident. (Reply Aragorn) (Reply Aragorn) (Posted By Richard Bowes) **** (Starbase Geneva - Ready Room - CO - Captain Aragorn - 16.10) "Captain Aragorn, he speaks the truth." Walker paused, "At least, he thinks he does." Walker smiled grimly, "Your interrogation has already begun, commander." Aragorn, reaching deep down to keep his anger at bay, looked up at the TAC/SC. "Indeed he may, Lieutenant. But his attitude still stinks." Aragorn briefly regarded the strange officer that stood there with a sneer on his face. "All right then. Perhaps I have not been as 'in touch' as I should have been, but seeing that I have been told to take over command of this station only 5 hours ago, it is beyond me how anybody, especially a pompous twat like you, can blame me for not knowing everything that happened on the station several months ago. Besides, thanks to YOUR lovely Fleet Admiral, the little time that I WAS in command I had to spend researching a possible threat to the station. And to be honest, after I did the research, I had expected an attack from the Romulans, not from a supposedly subordinate of mine." Aragorn sighed. "But it doesn't matter. Computer! Patch me through to Fleet Admiral Alaya, highest priority. Secure channel!" Aragorn waited half a minute before he heard a male's voice. =^= Fleet Admiral Alaya's office. How can I help? =^= "This is Captain Aragorn of Geneva Station. I need to speak to the Admiral urgently." =^= The Admiral is in a meeting at the moment with the other Fleet Admirals. Can I take a message? =^= "No, you can't. What I have to say is for her ears only. Tell her that I call about the Nimitz." =^= The Ni.....? Hang on, Captain. =^= The line went dead for a minute and then suddenly a female voice sounded. =^= "Alaya here! Has the Nimitz arrived? =^= "Uhhh, no, Sir. I needed to talk to you about a matter concerning the Nimitz, not the Nimitz itself." =^= What!? But my aide....? Ok, what's this all about? =^= "Starfleet protocol, Sir." =^= Starfleet protocol? =^= the voice sounded perplexed. " Starfleet pro......Are you telling me that you have called me out of a meeting with the other heads of staff JUST TO DISCUSS PROTOCOL??! =^= Aragorn, drawing up a mental picture of a blazing female on the other end of the line, shuddered for a second. "Uhhh, yes, Sir. Oh, and Admiral?" =^= Yes? =^= came from the other side, cautiously. "You are a bone headed idiot, Sir." =^= I AM WHAT??! =^= "A bone headed idiot, Sir." There was a silence on the other side of the line. Then, with a voice that was fraught with anger : =^= Ok, Captain, you can consider yourself relieved of duty. In fact ........ =^= "I take it then, that it wasn't ok for me to call a superior officer a bone headed idiot?" =^= What?! OF COURSE NOT! ARE YOU MAD?" Aragorn choose not to answer that. "And I take it, Sir, that you didn't like it when I called you a bone headed idiot." Suddenly the woman's voice fell flat. =^= You ARE mad. No, of course I didn't like it!" "Good," Aragorn said relieved."Because I didn't like it either when that clown of yours turned up on the base and called me one." =^= Clown? Clown? CLOWN? What are you talking about.......Oh no...Lee! =^= "I'm afraid so. You see, Admiral, with all due respect, I think I can state a case that someone, who sends an apparently extremely unstable person to a station which is about to find itself in the middle of a war, could be classified as a bone headed idiot. Also, I can think of several Starfleet Regulations that said person would have broken by NOT telling a base commander as soon as possible, that it's base would be in the middle of a possible war zone. Luckily for you, you just relieved me of my command early enough so that I cannot bring you up on charges. However, the Nimitz will still be arriving here any day now, and it will take you ages to get a new CO on this base. Until that time, the base will be leaderless. Not a very smart move, I would wager. As for the Commander, well, I have two option and you have one. My first option is to throw the Commander in the brig for gross insubordination and conduct unbecoming a Starfleet officer. In which case, I might add, he will miss the homecoming party for the Nimitz. My second option is to throw the good Commander of this base for being a disruptive influence in a time of crises. Again, I am afraid he will miss the party." =^= And my option? =^= "Your option would be to have a quiet word with the Commander, vouch personally to me for his behaviour whilst he is on the station and have a word with him about his disrespectful attitude." (Reply Alaya, Comm. Lee) (Starbase Geneva - CO's Ready Room - CO - Captain Aragorn - 16:39) Aragorn watched the SFI officer as he stood in front of the window. "Mr. Rofellian and Mr. Wilson is out there at USS Boudicca as we speak. Mr. Rofellian offered me the information stored in his Romulan scout ship's computer banks but for some reason I'm no longer in question to visit the ship." Actun turned towards the Captain. "A small thing Captain, they will probably bring the Scout vessel over to Geneva where I may access it more easily than on Boudicca but it illustrates what can happen and will happen with officers from different command chains. That is one thing." "The other is that what I have seen of SFI activities have all been based upon secrecy, lies, cover-ups and right-out treason. Many of the crew on Geneva has served under me on Boudicca, they trust me and I trust them. My loyalty is to them and that means to you Captain and the base as a whole. Starfleet as such and the SFI has lower priority and if the Admiralty have a problem with that they will have to transfer me to different position. Meanwhile, I intend to do what I can to establish an open SFI presence here, where my main task is to provide Starfleet with intelligence about this sector, especially regarding the Xenolathes." Actun sat down again. "I will never lie to you Captain or withhold any information that I find regarding this base. As long as I'm here, I will be working for you, under your command or not. As an SFI agent I have both the ability and authorization to perform tasks that no one else on this base have. Yes, I think I can live with working together with you." Actun concluded. " To be honest," Aragorn stated, "I never considered that you would, Mr. Actun. Lie, I mean. And let's face it, you Vulcans would consider not working together when there is a link between you, uhh, how do they put it....oh yeah, highly illogical. I know that things have not gone that well on the base, but remember that, just like me, a lot of people have difficulty with coming to terms with the large number of changes that have plagued this station. But in the end, I have no doubt that you, my officers and me will be working together." Actun stood. "Yes Captain, agreed. Thank you for your time, I know you have a lot on your mind right now. I would need an office to work from, I take it I can work out the details with the Geneva administration?" "Of course. But I suggest you do it quickly. If you wait to long, the office might have been commandeered by Commander Arianna to serve as sleeping quarters for the Nimitz crew." Aragorn smiled. Just before the Vulcan left, Aragorn held him back. "Oh, and Commander? Welcome to the team." (Reply Acton iyw) **** (Starbase Geneva - CO's Ready Room - SFI Commander Actun - 16:40) Just before Actun left, Aragorn held him back. "Oh, and Commander? Welcome to the team." Actun nodded, "Thank you Captain." He hesitated, standing halfway to the door. "Maybe I should mention... I'm not sure that it will matter but no one can tell what will happen. There's a personal feud between my family and the Romulan Intelligence. My father has pursued the Reunification idea that Spock once initiated. He worked at Romulus for a long time but was forced to flee. He's now running a private joint Vulcan/Romulan Science Facility at Vulcan, constantly supervised by the Romulans and the Federation alike." Actun took a deep breath. "When I first arrived at DSG1 I contacted my father, Sarok, who came to visit me after a few days. Unfortunately the Romulans intercepted the message and sent two agents to kill or capture me in order to get to him. My father arrived just in time and killed them both. After that they never tried again." "I'm telling you this because the Romulans are bound to find out who the new SFI representative on Geneva is sooner than later. It may complicate matters but there's also a possibility that we can use me as a decoy in order to make the Romulan agents on the station reveal themselves." "And while I am at the subject, Mr. Rofellian did a very good under cover job recently at the Boudicca, infiltrating a group of Romulan Engineers at my orders. I would strongly recommend him if you plan to infiltrate them. I could pass for a Romulan as well but as I said, I'm known to the Tal Shiar." (Reply Aragorn) (Posted by Chris Silver) **** (Starbase Geneva - Ready Room - CO - Captain Aragorn - 16.57) Just after having picked up another PADD with status information on it and after sighing for the umptieth time, Aragorn's commbadge came to live. =^= Wilson to Captain Aragorn, could you please come to shuttle bay one.=^= Slightly frowning, Aragorn looked at the pile of PADDS he still had to go through. He admitted to himself that it was very tempting to excuse himself from reading anymore reports, but knew that he needed the informations they contained. "How urgent is it, Ensign?" Aragorn asked over the link. "I have just buried myself under a large pile of station reports and I would rather finish them first." =^= “At you first convenience if you do not mind Sir, it is important.=^= the Conn said. "Give me half an hour to finish off the paperwork. I'll be there at 17:30." =^=Thank you sir, 17:30 would be fine, Wilson out. =^=” **** (Starbase Geneva - TAC/SC's Office - Walker Isengard- 1710) Walker sat in his chair, hands folded and eyes closed as he found himself dwelling on the past as the macabre sound of a single mournful violin filled the office. His mind touch with the First Officer had done more then make details clear for her, it had imprinted her very essence in his mind, her strength of mind and pierced his decades old mental armor, and lodged itself in his very heart, the place he found he was still the most vulnerable; even with all the scars and hurt that had armored it so. Isengard was trying very hard to quantify his feelings, to put them in perspective and place the feelings he was enduring in a very small and tight corner of his self that he might not deal with the deep depression, love and anger that was assaulting his mind over the obvious choice Lise had made. It was not succeeding. Rather, the more he pushed the thoughts from his mind that he would not be so vulnerable, the more his mind returned to a state that reminded him of the time he had been the *most* vulnerable. That time had been more then Walker could stand, he had been suicidal and remained so long after his body had Physically healed. Even now, so many years later, the echoes of his Imzadi haunted his sleep and invaded his waking mind. Now, those memories vied dangerously with the newer feelings he was experiencing over the first officer. The conflict in his mind was setting up a resonance, that would only lead to self destruction. The problem was, self destruction and self sacrifice were never far from his waking mind. He had given everything he had to the defense of others, since he had failed so utterly for his beloved. He never held back, ever. Self Sacrifice was a Watch-word of Starfleet Security, but even the motto didn't hold the depth of dedication that Walker himself brought to the service. He could no more fight such feelings then he could forget the perfect bond of love that had cemented his relationship with his Imzadi. He recognized this well, but in such a case, it was not armor against the fact that it would still happen unless outside events conspired to change fate for him. Lise Arianna was his commander, she was his new found love, she was his bane, and she would be his destruction. And he didn't care in the least that it should be true. So long had he been cold, that his own death didn't worry him any. He no longer had the experience to deal with such feelings. And even if the love should be returned, he didn't have the strength to fight the stigma of his past love, to fight the worry that he would fail Lise so utterly as he had failed Valance. He didn't have the strength of heart or spirit to cope with another loss the like he had suffered on Betazed, he no longer had the strength& It was a vicious circle, and Walker was more then aware of that. However, he was powerless to alter that which he perceived. And one cold little thought had entered his mind many times as he contemplated that fact; he honestly didn't care anymore if he was destroyed, it would bring an end to the pain of his existence. He would be denied his feelings for Lise, but perhaps he would join his love if there was such a thing as an afterlife. And if there wasn't, well, pain was universal, and he was tired of hurting. (reply none) (posted by Trout) **** (Starbase Geneva, Counsellor's Office, SPC Vicki Sevant, 17.28) Vicki peered out from her position on the sofa looking at the ACOUNS before her. "Alright," the ACOUNS stated, "Let's take that from the top, shall we? Um. Why is it such a big problem that your husband will be arriving soon? Won't he be able to help you in your situation?" Vicki felt a tear trickle down her face. She was about to speak when the ACOUNS interjected again. "Oh by the way, my name is Tap Roft, the new counsellor. But, you probably knew that. That's why you came to me. Uh, what's your name? Also, who's this 'they' you left your daughter with? Is your daughter a dealer or a user or both? Forgive my nosiness, I just want a little more info to work from." Again Vicki opened her mouth as if to speak. But, again, she was cut off by the ACOUNS' ramblings as he held out a plush toy that looked oddly like a cartoon alien concoction. "Would you like Drachon for some comfort? It's a little something I brought along to decorate the office. He's great. You can punch him or kick him or throw him around. Or, you could just hold him. Whatever you prefer." Vicki looked at the stuffed animal with some amount of trepidation. It... well... it ... probably didn't bite (seeing as it didn't have teeth, just a goofy sewn on grin that was under a sort of snout like thing). And it probably wouldn't harm her, and maybe just maybe it might do her some good? She wasn't sure, she'd seen soo many counsellors in the last couple of months and never before had she been offered a stuffed animal. Cautiously, almost as if she expected it to be ticking, she took the animal and sat it beside her. "It'll listen for now. But if it tries any funny stuff.... It'll find itself across the room." She affirmed. "Okay, so tell me all about your situation." With that invitation, Vicki recounted the tale how she'd been visiting her dying mother and her cousin had offered to mind Jayne and she'd let her go and it had disastrous effects. "I'm not sure if she's just a dealer or a user. We sort of kidnapped her then raced back here.... because I'm supposed to meet Cally" Vicki paused, "Cally doesn't know. I think he's going to kill me. Well maybe not literally like Jayne tried, but... I mean, he's going to be really angry, I'm sure. I've failed." Then Vicki looked at Drachon. "If you were Cally would you be angry?" She asked. The plushie did not reply, it merely sat there. "See, he's going to be so angry he won't even speak to me." Vicki stated as she pointed an accusing finger at Drachon. With that Vicki picked Drachon up and threw him across the room. He hit the wall and landed in the corner with a thud. "WHY DID THIS HAVE TO HAPPEN!!" She screamed. Then she sat down again, and looked at the counsellor. "My apologies." She stated as she stood yet again and ran over to Fetch Drachon, returning holding it like T'Loren had held her bear. ~Maybe there is something to T'Loren's bear providing comfort after all~ Vicki reasoned. She sat on the sofa and curled her knees into her chest. Clutching the alien creature in her arms. (Reply Roft, any) (Posted by Katherine Mazurok) **** (Starbase Geneva - Shuttle Bay one - CO - Captain Aragorn - 17:30) “Thank you for coming Captain,” John said bolting upright. "Well, you said that it was important. So what is troubling you?" Aragorn said but when he noticed that the Ensign did not hear him, he shouted the same message again. “Well sir, do you want to come up to my Office. It is a bit quieter than this deck.” John shouted over the Noise of the flight deck. Aragorn nodded vigorously. (Starbase Geneva, Shuttle Bay one / John’s Office, Ensign Wilson, 17:35) John gestured over to the desk for the Captain to have a seat, Aragorn took a seat at the desk. John sat at the other side. “Captain, starbase Geneva has 2 Danube Class Runabouts, 6 Type 7 Shuttlecraft, 4 Travel Pods and also a Romulan Shuttle craft and the USS Phantom. Therefore sir may I make a request.” John asked. Aragorn looked at the officer. "Don't tell me that you want a transfer. I'm not sure that I would grant you one. At least not at this time. But other than that, you may." John reached for a Padd from his bottom draw; John then passed it over to the Captain. “It is my official request for the transfer from the USS Boudicca, 1 Danube class shuttle and 2 Type 7 Shuttlecraft. The shuttles are in desperate need sir.” John stated not sure if he had over stepped his mark. Aragorn glanced at the PADD. "Good thinking, Mr. Wilson. You have my permission." “Thank you sir, Also if you do not mind may I run combat drills for the Flight team externally of the Station to practise externally in real life conditions the Holodeck is good however they do not get the same effect they would from flight and launch procedure in a emergency just to be safe if the present situation were to escalate.” The CONN said. "Besides, from what I have heard, the holodecks are being transformed into temporary quarters to create space for the Nimitz crew," Aragorn stated. "So I guess you will have to. Permission granted. And?" "And, Sir?" "Yes, and. You told me that it was important that I came. Those two request that you did could as easily have been done through the message service. Neither would necessitate me being here. So what else is there that you want to tell me? Or perhaps, NEED to tell me?" (Reply John) (Reply by all involved and all that want to get involved) (Posted by Adrie Geuken) **** (Starbase Geneva, McNish Quarters, Gregor McNish, 18:45) Gregor opened the door and stepped inside. "Anyone at home?" he asked aloud. Form the inner room fast approaching feet could be heard and an accompanying sound of "dad-dad-dad-DAD-DAD-DAD!!!" Kyle run all the way with outstretched arms until he crashed into his father with an audible THUD that made Gregor groan. Hugging his son he managed: "Easy there, lad, I'm an old man! It's good to see you too." "What did you bring?" Kyle asked with an expecting look on his face. Gregor smiled at his wife who was leaning against the wall with an impish smile on her face. "Bring? Isn't it a bit early for Christmas?" Gregor smiled. "DAD!!" Kyle blinked annoyed. "It's your own fault. It was you who started to buy him things in order to ease your guilty conscious for being away so much." Brenda half-scowled. Gregor sighed with feigned resignation and started to search his bag. "Well... I don't know... maybe..." Kyle tried to peek around his father's shoulder, growing more impatient by the second. "Ay, here we are! I thought this would interest you." Gregor pulled out a rather large package and handed it over to Kyle. He suspected it to be a book from the form and weight and so it was. "How To Defeat A Dragon." The title said. Brenda looked at it with amazement. "How did you find it out here?" she asked. "Well, apparently the Ferengi have found that since the Federation presence is sparse in this sector, anything from Earth or Vulcan is regarded exotic. You can find almost anything on that Romulan trade station." Kyle opened the book, it wasn't the serious book of the topic he had hoped for but rather a humorous drift with the lore of Dragon Slayers in different fairy tales. There was that story of a knight who pretended to be the Dragon's friend and brought him a tasty meal of spicy and salt lamb. The Dragon got so thirsty that he extinguished his own fire and then the knight could kill him and save the Princess. "Thanks dad!" Kyle said, giving him a new hug. Then Gregor finally had a chance to say hello to his pretty wife in an appropriate way. After the kiss she patted him on the cheek. "Dinner is ready, oh mighty Warrior from the Highlands. Let's eat." At dinner the incident at the Holodeck was a topic and Brenda was a bit disappointed at her husband's reaction, or lack thereof. "I was worried, Gregor! He could have been hurt!" Gregor noticed the use of his real name instead of some cute nickname, never a good sign. "Well, the problem is taken care of right? Besides, I think you may have a future in Holodeck Programming my son. It's not that easy and there seems to be a constant need for them. Oh, and if you're that interested in magic, have you seen our witch yet?" "GREGOR!" Brenda's tone was firm rather than angry, at least for now. "She's a sweat lady and she's NOT... A... WITCH!" Kyle looked from one to the other. "Who are you talking about?" "Hagar, the old lady at the Theater." Gregor answered his son. "The one with the cane and wrinkled face? Mom, she's a witch all right, just look at the pictures in any fairy tale book." "Kyle..." his mother started with a cross look at his father. "...you're not supposed to judge people by their looks, you know that and certainly YOU should!" Gregor poked around in the food with his fork, feeling uncomfortable. Nevertheless, he had to answer that. "Yes sweetheart, but Hagar claims to know magic herself! I don't know the woman but as the manager for the Theater she must be rather bright. It's probably just a hobby of hers just as for Kyle. All I meant was that if they have a common interest Kyle may want to talk to her." Brenda felt trapped; she had just claimed that Hagar was nothing but a sweet old lady so she couldn't just say no. "All right... but not tonight! It's school tomorrow." "Mom! It's just seven!" Kyle protested. A *real* magician on Geneva? Cool!! "Well, she will probably not be at the theater now. See her tomorrow after school." Gregor agreed with a quick glance at his wife. The evening were heading in a direction he absolutely didn't want it to go. Brenda nodded, how nice of her *dear* husband to *let* her decide exactly with *he* wanted Kyle to do! "Honey!" she said with a sweet smile. "Do you take care of dishes please. And then I have this pain in my neck from serving at the restaurant all day, could you please use some of that fragrant massage oil and rub it away?" Gregor put up his most honest face and smiled happily. "Yes dear!" (Reply none) (Posted by Chris Silver) **** **** To be able to learn from mistakes, One first has to make them. And boy, can I learn! Captain Aragorn, CO Geneva Station AKA Adrie Geuken (adrie@geuken.freeserve.co.uk)